09 October 2010


If you setup a radio station, your FM transmitter should be tested before even trying to use it with an antenna. 

Tuning or testing of a FM transmitter requires the use of a dummy load. This prevents unwanted radiation during test (antenna is in active) and tune procedure. This is to ensure the FM transmitter output stage is always correctly loaded. 

We recommended two dummy loads rated at 60W and 1500W respectively. 60W version is suitable for smaller transmitters. Where else, the 1500W version is for medium to big transmitters.

Features 60W Dummy Load:
- Gold Plated PL Connector
- 0 - 600 MHz Range 50 Ohms

Features Palstar DL1500 1.5kW HF Dummy Load :
- Enables Short Term Off Air Testing Up To 1500 Watts For Frequencies Up To 500 MHz
- Dimensions: 2.75" H x 3.5" W x 8" D
- Weight: 1.5 lbs
- Hyperbolic tuning cone
-Impedance: 54 Ohms +/- 5% 

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