26 September 2010

Internet Based Radio Station

 Example of an online Radio / online Campus Radio / Online Student Radio

Are you into online radio broadcast? Do you want to setup your very own online radio? If you do then you come to the right place. ACE can help you setup the online radio based on your requirement or goal (some for the purpose of profit and generating revenue others just for fun i.e. sharing CD collection and so on) and affordability.

ACE will help you choose the right type of equipment, configure and install them and you are ready to broadcast online in no time. ACE is committed in ensuring that you will be using the right tools for your Online Radio Broadcast.

Call us for more info

24 September 2010

How To Construct A Double Pane Studio Window

By Auralex

Anyone with trim carpentry experience can build their own studio window if they plan correctly, take their time, and follow these steps. You will need at least one helper when installing the glass. This example project assumes the window is set in 2'' x 6'' wall with multiple layers of drywall, Sheetblok, etc. on both sides. Procedure is the same for single wall of any thickness. When installing window in two separate walls, there will be separate inner blocks for each pane.

Tools needed; hand saw or circular saw, sanding block or orbital sander, drill, screwdriver, level, utility knife, plane, etc. A note about parallel vs. angled glass; Although angled glass is common in professional studios, we generally suggest parallel panes for most applications.

This is because the air gap between glass is more important to isolation than an angle is. Unless the panes are several inches apart, the angle would probably not be large enough to make any difference, and would lessen the air space. If you prefer to angle one or both of the panes, there are additional tips at the end of the directions.

These instructions assume you are installing two panes of glass, in parallel, with the largest feasible air gap in between. Use very high grade pine with no knots, or finish grade poplar, for best results. Do not substitute plastic or Plexiglas for real glass.

1. Window opening should be roughed in level and plumb, and all surface substrates (drywall, etc.) finished flush with framing. ...READ MORE

12 September 2010

Acoustical Treatment

Home Studio Acoustical Treatments on a Budget
by Gavin Haverstick

Digital technology in the recording industry has evolved and expanded greatly over
the years, allowing high quality/low cost recording gear to be widely available to the
general public. Due to this fact, hundreds of home studios are either being converted
from existing bedrooms, dens and basements or constructed as a separate room of a home. Hobbyists and part-time musicians that typically do not have the advantage of a large recording budget operate the majority of these studios.

Along with digital equipment, acoustical treatment has become more affordable over the years giving many musicians the opportunity to write, record and produce ideas, demos, and even entire albums in the comfort of their own home without having to sacrifice acoustical quality along the way.

Acoustical treatment such as absorption, diffusion and bass trapping are often implemented to reduce the effects of issues such as flutter echo, excessive reverberation and bass build-up, among others. The purpose of this article is to highlight the issues and challenges faced by hobbyist....read more by clicking the link below.
