Professional Acoustic Measurement

At ACE, we perform professional acoustic measurement for On-Air Studio ( Radio Broadcast ), TV studio, Recording Studio, Hall, Theatre, Cinema, Multipurpose Hall and others specialize building. We use ANSI and ISO Type 1 measuring devices to measure SPL. We perform acoustic analysis using ANSI and Class 1 Filter RTA, flexible FFT and ETC, powerful impulse response using Smaart@ Spectrum RTA with spectrograph.

Our engineers are competence to perform measurement for room treatment i.e. RT60 decay times and to suggest acoustic room treatment materials, such as sound absorption panels and wall treatments to correct excessive room reverberation times. The apps use in measurement of RT60 in the 63Hz to 8000Hz octave and 1/3 octave bands. The overall decay time is computed from the 4 octave bands, 250Hz and 2000Hz.

As for PA system setup and configuration, we perform test for speaker polarity, speaker distortion test, Impedance Test, Impedance Sweep, Delay Finder, STIPA Basic and professional. In addition we can also perform other audio related measurement upon request.

STC & NC Measurement:




CAA is pleased to provide for free download the CAA Guide to Acoustic Standards. This document gives a brief summary of acoustical standards from many different standards organizations, in Canada and internationally, which the Standards Committee believes will be of especial interest and use to Canadian acousticians and others.  It should provide sufficient information to allow users to decide whether a standard would be useful to them, and includes comments from a Canadian perspective plus links where many can be downloaded. 

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